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Tal-Istanjata – Maltese Ground Coffee with Chicory, Aniseed & Cloves



Coffee drinking has been a popular and integral part of Malta’s culinary culture since before the time of the Knights of St John. From documented notorial archives, the first coffee house was  licensed in Vittoriosa in 1633 and by 1784 the number of licensed coffee houses had already increased to well over 50. These small “gossip-holes” were highly frequented by both Maltese and travellers of all social backgrounds, and all this was happening when coffee drinking was still an unheard of curiosity throughout Europe!

In later years, coffee houses began to experiment with different recipes for their coffee, such as the addition of cloves and aniseed to improve the aroma and sugar to sweeten this bitter concoction.
By the late 19th century, most coffee houses began to also add chicory to their coffee blends primarily to lower costs, since chicory was widely cultivated in Malta, and therefore readily available.
During the war, when coffee became a scarce and expensive commodity, the percentage of chicory in coffee blends increased substantially.

Today, going back to our roots, the addition of chicory and various spices has become an acquired taste among the Maltese and is considered a specialty known as Malta’s own exotic black brew.

How to make a cup of traditional Maltese coffe: Boil 1 litre of water. Reduce to a simmer and add approximately 3  full tablespoons of Savina Ground Coffee. Stir well and continue simmering for 1 – 3 hours. Remove from heat and allow the coffee sediment to settle at the bottom of the pot prior to serving.

Packaged in special vacuum bags.




Arabica Coffee Beans* (57%), Chicory (28%), Spices (14%) (Aniseed & Cloves).

Storage Instructions

Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.


Savina Creations Ltd, The Magro Food Village, Xewkija, Gozo – Malta

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